"Long Green

"Only Truth
can Save Us"
1. At the moment Green Man is available
2. He is continuously "on the road"
bringing the Earth Ceremony to as many countries as possible
3. Depending on the enthusiasm he will be staying in
your city or town as long as he is needed......from several days, weeks to months...
4. Green Man's approach is unique: integrating the
"road within" with the "road without"
5. "Healing the Planet" concerns us
all. Therefore, make the "Earth Ceremony" possible i.e. invite Green Man to come
to your place
6. In order to make his Mission a success start
forming a small group preparing Green Man's visit
7. For details and further steps: Contact Us

"The Earth Ceremony"
initiated by
Green Man

In Seven Steps
Interreligious, holistic, open, green,
democratic and not-for-profit
The first step is the City Walk:, youth dressed
as "Green Men" carrying a big Globe along major sites of your
village/town/city..... announcing the Earth Ceremony
. See also: "Fasting-Meditation Peace/City Walks"
1981-1984 |
The Globe will then be situated at a suitable
place. Subsequently, Green Man will elaborate on his "Healing the Planet"
Initiative in 7 Steps. It is one of the most inclusive proposals to saving the earth, to
begin with a New Spirituality
. See also: "Universal Teaching/Overview"
MatriTalks |
After that, people of all backgrounds,
religions, ages and gender are invited to come and sit in silence before it, contemplating
the current crisis we are in, e.g. "praying for the world"......Everybody in his
or her own way
. See also: "Prayer, contemplation and mantra"
Mother & Sons |
"Mother Healing"
Do you suffer from spiritual/emotional/physical
pain? If so, we offer you a free healing session, based on prayer, contemplation,
mantra, including a Jade Stone pain treatment, everything "in the Name of our Cosmic
Mother"....Subsequently, we will all put our hands on the globe, praying for its
See: "Mother Healing" and "PilgrimCare" |
Green Man's talk is addressed to the hopefuls to
this world: "How to become a Green Man/Wise Woman?" He invites you to a career
based on spiritual/health/community and earth service.....This training can be given
linking up with the Earth Ceremony
See: "Transformatorium" |

Spiritual (Buddhist) Retreats
Info & Contact

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we recommend you to first going back to the beginning of
Han Marie Stiekema's website.
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2003 © Copyright Han Marie
Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
is freely given, no-one can claim, copy or derive any text, rights,
position or status from this website.
Last revising: 08/09/12 |